3 Worthwhile Investments When Designing Kitchen Millwork

3 Worthwhile Investments When Designing Kitchen Millwork

Renovation costs can add up quickly.


but if you know where to invest and where to save, you’re bound to come out on top.

Whether you’ve saved up, leveraged your home equity, or added a buffer to your mortgage to make updates to your home, we know that you want every dollar to stretch as far as possible with your upcoming kitchen renovation.

Are you updating your kitchen for resale, for yourself to enjoy for years to come, or somewhere in between? Whichever your answer, the kitchen is a great place to add value to your home and we’ve got some tips for improving the design with smart – and worthwhile – investments.

Here are three design details to consider when designing your kitchen millwork:


design by arki studio


Make your lower millwork drawers

The cost difference of a stack of drawers vs. a lower cabinet is a worth it – and we don’t think it’s a trend or fad. Drawers make for a more functional use of lower millwork. Food items and cookware are less likely to get lost of forgotten at the back because you can see everything when you pull out a drawer. Better visibility, higher functionality!


design by vermland


Customize with drawer inserts

On the topic of drawers, there are ways to step up their functionality, especially drawers in main work zones. Consider spice organization and knife storage near prep and cooking surfaces, foil and parchment paper dispensers and container/lid storage near the fridge, or a pull-out for garbage, recycling, and organics near the main prep area.

Remember to consider and work with the main zones in your kitchen: cold storage, wash and prep, and cooking. This will help with planning out your drawer organization.


design by fropt


Replace awkward hardware with integrated channels (or edge pulls)

Knobs aren’t the most accessible hardware for gripping, and some bar pulls catch clothes when you walk past. Choosing no hardware with push-click hardware for lower millwork allows for a minimalist look but drawers and cabinets open easily when you lean up against them, which can be frustrating.

To avoid these issues, consider integrated finger channels for your lower millwork. There are varying styles and material options that can suit many design styles.

If your budget is tight and hardware is a must, consider edge pulls that offer a clean look that is also accessible.


image from pinterest


 If you’re in the market for a kitchen renovation, we’re here to help! Send us a message and we’ll schedule a free discovery call to start the conversation.

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